Sunday, 9 December 2012

The Little Blue Reasoning Book: 50 Powerful Principles for Clear and Effective Thinking

'The Little Blue Reasoning Book: 50 Powerful Principles for Clear and Effective Thinking' is written by Brandon Royal

Some 2,500 years ago, Socrates gave birth to the art and science of what we now call critical reasoning; also referred to as critical thinking, it may be defined broadly as “the process by which we evaluate information.” Notwithstanding our ability to read, no other single skill is more important than our ability to reason.

This book provides a distillation of the most useful reasoning concepts, presented as fifty tips interspersed through five chapters.

Chapter 1 on 'Perception & Mindset' provides an initial framework for reasoning.

Chapter 2 on 'Creative Thinking' introduces non-traditional thinking methods.

Chapter 3 on 'Decision Making' focuses on applied reasoning and introduces various tools, the major benefit of which is to structure or quantify the decision-making process.

Chapter 4 on 'Analyzing Arguments' shows us how to break arguments down according to classic argument structure: conclusion, evidence, and assumption.

Chapter 5 on 'Mastering Logic' provides the foundation for understanding some of the most relevant examples of reasoning flaws found in everyday conversation and speech.

Here is a glimpse of some of those Tips:

Tip #2: Think of mindsets as divided into four basic types: Analysts, Idealists, Realists, and Synthesists.

Tip #4: Convergent thinking focuses the mind; divergent thinking opens the mind.

Tip #6: Not challenging the obvious, evaluating ideas too quickly, and fear of looking the fool — these are the three greatest creativity inhibitors.

Tip #8: Brainstorming has rules: quantity of ideas is preferred, wacky ideas are welcome, delayed evaluation is mandatory, and “hitchhiking” is encouraged.

Tip #11: In selling creative ideas, most people are moved more by the depth of a person’s conviction and commitment than they are by the details of a logical presentation.

Tip #19: Evidence + Assumption = Conclusion. The assumption is the glue that holds the evidence to the conclusion.

Tip #21: The five most common critical reasoning errors people make include: comparing “apples with oranges,” over-generalizing on the basis of small samples, ignoring relevant evidence, confusing cause and effect, and failing to anticipate bottlenecks when plans are put into action.

Tip #34: Test the opposite scenario — if you hear that a full moon causes the crime rate to rise, always ask what the crime rate is like when the moon is not full.

Tip #40: Always look for potentially vague terms in an argument and ask for or seek clarification.

Tip #45: Necessary conditions are not the same as sufficient conditions. The statement “A person needs water to remain healthy” does not mean that water alone is enough to keep a person healthy. Water is a necessary but not sufficient condition for someone to remain healthy.

The book also presents 10 classic trade-offs:
  1. Breadth vs. Depth
  2. Control vs. Chance
  3. Individual vs. Collective
  4. Means vs. Ends
  5. Quantity vs. Quality
  6. Short-term vs. Long-term
  7. Specific vs. General
  8. Subjective vs. Objective
  9. Theory vs. Practice
  10. Tradition vs. Change

Friday, 10 February 2012

Seven Transformations of Leadership

‘Seven Transformations of Leadership’ is a 2005 HBR article by David Rooke & William Torbert.

The authors argue that great leaders are differentiated not by their personality or philosophy, but by their internal action logic! Action logic is how the leaders interpret their own and others’ behaviours, and how they maintain power or protect from threats.

Based on their research, the authors categorise action logics into seven distinct types. These action logics function as a leader’s dominant way of thinking. Here’s the list starting with the least productive (and least complex):

  • Opportunist: Wins any way possible. Self-oriented. Manipulative. ‘Might makes right’ approach. Opportunists are good in emergencies and in pursuing sales, but few people want to follow them for the long term.
  • Diplomat: Avoids conflict. Wants to belong. Obeys group norms; doesn’t rock the boat. Diplomat is a supportive glue in teams, but can’t provide painful feedback or make the hard decisions needed to improve performance.
  • Expert: Rules by logic and expertise. Uses hard data to gain consensus and buy-in. Expert is a good individual contributor, but lacks emotional intelligence. Also lacks respect for those with less expertise.
  • Achiever: Meets strategic goals. Promotes teamwork; juggles managerial duties and responds to market demands to achieve goals. Achiever is well suited for managerial work, but inhibits thinking outside the box.
  • Individualist: Operates in unconventional ways. Ignores rules s/he regards as irrelevant. Individualist is effective in venture & consulting roles. But, irritates colleagues & bosses by ignoring key organizational processes & people.
  • Strategist: Generates organizational and personal change. Highly collaborative; weaves visions with pragmatic, timely initiatives. Strategist challenges existing assumptions. Generates transformations over the short and long term.
  • Alchemist: Generates social transformations. Reinvents organizations in historically significant ways. Alchemist leads society-wide change.

Interestingly, the same seven action logics can be used to describe teams and organisations as well.

In the sample set researched by the authors, there were 5% Opportunists, 12% Diplomats, 38% Experts, 30% Achievers, 10% Individualists, 4% Strategists and 1% Alchemists!

The most remarkable finding of the authors’ research is that leaders can transform from one action logic to another. Few may become alchemists, but many have the desire and potential to become Individualists and Strategists.

The article suggests ways in which leaders can transform from one action logic to another. Read it here, if you are interested.